//go.ad2up.com/afu.php?id=30761 //go.ad2up.com/afu.php?id=30761 Microcontroller Based Solar Charger: INTRODUCTION //go.ad2up.com/afu.php?id=30761 //go.ad2up.com/afu.php?id=30761

Wednesday, 30 April 2014



As the sources of conventional energy deplete day by day, resorting to alternative sources of energy like solar and wind energy has become need of the hour.

Solar-powered lighting systems are already available in rural as well as urban areas. These include solar lanterns, solar home lighting systems, solar streetlights, solar garden lights and solar power packs. All of them consist of four components: solar photovoltaic module, rechargeable battery, solar charge controller and load.

In the solar-powered lighting system, the solar charge controller plays an important role as the system’s overall success depends mainly on it. It is considered as an indispensable link between the solar panel, battery and load.
The microcontroller-based solar charge controller described here has the following features:

1. Built-in digital voltmeter (0V-20V range)
2. Overcharge protection
3. System status display on LCD
4. Low current consumption
5. Highly efficient design based on microcontroller
LCD module: The system status and battery voltage are displayed on an LCD based on HD44780 controller. The backlight feature of the LCD makes it readable even in low light conditions. The LCD is used here in 4-bit mode to save the microcontroller’s port pins. Usually the 8-bitmode of interfacing with a microcontroller requires eleven pins, but in 4-bit mode the LCD can be interfaced to the microcontroller using only seven pins.
Solar panel: The solar panel used here is meant to charge a 12V battery and the wattage can range from 3 to 40 watts. The peak unloaded voltage output of the solar panel will be around 19 volts. Higher-wattage panels can be used with some modifications to the controller unit.
Rechargeable battery:
 The solar energy is converted into electrical energy and stored in a 12V lead-acid battery. The ampere-hour capacity ranges from 5 Ah to 100 Ah.
Charge control: Relay RL1 connects the solar panel to the battery through diode D1. Under normal conditions, it allows the charging current from the panel to flow into the battery. When the battery is at full charge (12.0V), the charging current becomes ‘pulsed.’ To keep the overall current consumption of the solar controller low, normally-closed (N/C) contacts of the relay are used and the relay is normally in de-energised state.
Load control:
One terminal of the load is connected to the battery through a relay.  This relay will control the load providing. That is if the resistance of load is below 3ohms(high current) then the relay get energised and cut off the load.

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